Home › About › Media › Video MediaVideo Media EMSculpt® Treatment for the Abdomen EMSculpt® Treatment for the Buttocks Dr. Elie Levine on Inside Edition: Bra Fat Removal Dr. Elie Levine Performs Liposuction in NYC FaceTite™ RFAL Animation BodyTite™ Body Sculpting Animation Advances in Hair Transplant Surgery in NYC Glam: Dr. Jody Levine - The Secret to Smooth Legs Gillette Venus: Dr. Jody Levine Sensitive Skin Tips Glam: Dr. Jody Levine on How to Avoid Stubble while shaving. Gillette Venus: What is an In Grown Hair and How to Treat it? Gillette Venus: What is Razor burn and how to treat it. Gillette Venus: Dr. Jody Levine on Dry Skin VS Sensitive Skin Dr. Jody Levine on CBS2 New York. Low cost skin care and anti-aging treatments in NYC NYC Dermatologist Dr. Jody Levine and NYC Plastic Surgeon Dr. Elie Levine on the Rachael Ray Show NYC Drs. Elie and Jody Levine discuss hair transplants on the Dr. Steve Show. New York Drs. Jody and Elie Levine discuss osmetic fillers on the Dr. Steve Show. NYC Drs. Elie and Jody Levine discuss cellulite treatment and sweating solutions on the Dr. Steve Show. New York City Drs. Elie and Jody Levine discuss fat transfers on the Dr. Steve Show. Dr. Jody and Elie Levine discuss natural facelifts on the Dr. Steve Show. Dr. Jody and Elie Levine discuss Rhinoplasty Surgery on the Dr. Steve Show. Dr. Jody and Elie Levine discuss Vectra 3D on the Dr. Steve Show. NYC Plastic Surgeon Dr. Elie Levine featured on Joy Behar Say Anything! Dr. Jody and Elie Levine discuss Mommy Make-Overs on the Dr. Steve Show. Dr. Jody and Elie Levine discuss Liposuction in New York City on the Dr. Steve Show. NYC Dermatologist Dr. Jody Levine explains the most common skin care mistakes that people make. Dr. Jody and Elie Levine describe Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) on the Dr. Steve Show. New York City Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Elie. Levine on Fox News Dr. Jody Levine on the Dr. Steve show. Reversing skin damage with BBL treatments in New York. Dr. Levine comments on ExtremeTanning on NBC's Today Show. Dr. Jody A. Levine dicusses healthy skin at every age on the Montel Show Skin Care Tips from NYC Dermatologist Dr. Jody Levine New York Drs. Jody and Elie Levine discuss breast reduction on the Dr. Steve Show. Dr. Jody Levine Discusses Sunburn Relief on WABC-TV New York Dr. Elie Levine on Good Morning America Health - Excess Skin Manhattan Dermatologist, Dr. Jody Levine Discusses How to Protect Your Skin From the Sun Summer Skin Care Tips - NYC Plastic Surgeon Dr. Elie Levine Dr. Jody Levine demonstrates the ProFractional Laser Dr. Jody Levine Discusses Skin Health on Fox News Dr. Jody Levine demonstrates the BBL Laser The Manhattan Peel demonstrated by Dr. Jody Levine Dr. Jody Levine demonstrates the SkinTyte Laser