Conveniently located to serve the areas of New York, NY

Laser lipo in NYC utilizes cutting-edge technology to achieve laser fat reduction results. Laser liposuction is a minimally invasive alternative to traditional liposuction techniques that offers less downtime, swelling, and bruising. Many patients may benefit from the precise body contouring that laser lipo provides to remove small amounts of fat and enhance definition without having to undergo substantial fat removal. Laser liposuction is an ideal option to shape the face, neck, and body to provide a firmer, natural-looking appearance. In addition, laser lipo can be used to tighten lax skin for smooth-looking results, even if patients don’t necessarily require significant fat removal.
- Removes small amounts of fat to sculpt the body
- Tightens skin and encourages new collagen production for firm-looking results
- Minimally invasive procedure
- Can complement other body contouring and facial rejuvenation procedures
Target Areas
- Buttocks
- Hips
- Thighs
- Calves
- Ankles
- Knees
- Abdomen
- Flanks
- Back
- Breasts
- Upper
- Arms
- Neck
- Face
Procedure Details
- Performed in our AAAASF-accredited NYC surgical suite
- Procedure time usually ranges from 45 minutes to 3-4 hours, depending on the target area(s)
- Local anesthesia is often utilized. However, twilight or general anesthesia may be used, depending on your procedure
- Patients are free to return home the same day as their treatment
- Can be used synergistically with traditional liposuction
How Does Laser Liposuction Work?
Laser liposuction uses heat energy to destroy excess fat cells. The laser apparatus is carefully inserted under the skin through tiny incisions and begins delivering heat below the skin’s layers. This advanced heat energy begins to liquefy fat cells, allowing them to be easily suctioned from the body. Laser energy also promotes the contraction of collagen fibers in the deep dermis and spurs on new collagen growth. As tissues begin to contract and coagulate, the skin around the target area becomes firmer, producing tighter, youthful-looking results.
Can Laser Liposuction Be Used Alongside Other Procedures?
Yes. Laser liposuction can be used alongside other liposuction procedures to provide optimal results, including VASER® LipoSelection, SculpSure™, power assisted lipo, tumescent liposuction, and super wet lipo. Additionally, Laser liposuction can complement other facial rejuvenation and body contouring techniques. Dr. Levine will discuss with you which procedures may best enhance your laser lipo results.
Am I An Ideal Candidate For Laser Liposuction Treatment?
Ideal laser lipo candidates in NYC will be at or near their ideal body weight. Laser liposuction is not meant to produce large-volume fat reduction. Instead, those opting for laser lipolysis can remove small deposits of fat and tighten skin for precise body sculpting results. Laser liposuction is especially effective at reducing the appearance of stubborn fat that has not responded to exercise or dieting.
Moreover, those looking to improve contours can opt for laser liposuction. As laser lipo delivers heat to the treatment area, it enhances skin structure for a tightening effect. Laser liposuction is also ideal for patients seeking submental fat reduction and reducing double chin. Dr. Levine will advise whether laser liposuction can satisfy your treatment goals during your consultation at our New York City office.
Can I Undergo Laser Liposuction Only To Tighten Skin?
Yes. Many patients choose to undergo laser lipo to firm skin without removing fat from the treatment area. The heat energy generated from laser liposuction can create a substantial tightening effect by causing the contraction of subsurface collagen fibers. After exposure to the laser’s heat, the body will begin to produce new collagen in the deep dermis, reinforcing skin structure and contributing to smoother-looking skin.
How Many Laser Liposuction Treatments Are Required?
Most patients experience considerable improvements after undergoing one laser liposuction treatment. Patients may require additional treatments to achieve desired results, depending on their needs and goals. Dr. Levine will discuss how many treatments are necessary to achieve your ideal laser lipo results.
What Type Of Anesthesia Is Involved During My Laser Liposuction Procedure?
Laser liposuction patients usually require local anesthesia during their procedure. However, twilight or general anesthesia may be utilized, depending on the specifics of your treatment. Dr. Levine will discuss which form of anesthesia is ideal for your laser lipo procedure during your consultation at our New York office.
What Can I Expect After Undergoing Laser Lipo In NYC?
Laser liposuction requires minimal downtime post-procedure. Aftercare specifics will ultimately depend on the patient, but mild bruising and swelling can be expected in the week following treatment. Many patients can return to work and their daily routine within two days of their laser lipo procedure.
What Kind Of Laser Liposuction Results Can I Expect?
Patients can expect long-lasting results after undergoing laser fat loss, as fat cells are liquefied and suctioned out of the area. However, new fat deposits may form, depending on if the patient experiences excess weight gain. Patients may also experience skin laxity, depending on lifestyle and environmental factors, such as smoking or overexposure to sunlight. To sustain optimal laser liposuction results after your procedure, it is recommended that you maintain a healthy lifestyle—complete with diet and exercise—to help prevent future buildups of fat cells from occurring.
How Can I Maximize My Laser Liposuction Results?
In order to maximize your laser liposuction results, it is important to follow all pre and post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Levine.
Certain products and supplements should be avoided in the weeks prior to your laser liposuction procedure, unless medically necessary. By doing so, patients minimize their risk of bruising and swelling. Blood-thinners and medications that contain ibuprofen or aspirin should be avoided. Patients should also refrain from taking multivitamins and herbal supplements.
Patients may be recommended to wear a compression garment after undergoing laser lipo in NYC. This garment assists your recovery in the weeks following your procedure by reducing swelling and improving skin tightening. Patients can wear their compression garment while going about their day-to-day routine. Additionally, lymphatic massage may be recommended to promote healing and enhance the appearance of skin around the treatment area. Lymphatic massage can improve your body’s immunity after liposuction, enhance your circulation, and result in smooth, glowing skin.
Certain medications, including Tylenol, Bromelain, and Arnica Montana, may be recommended to alleviate pain or discomfort post-procedure. For more details regarding our post-treatment care suggestions, click here.
Dr. Elie Levine, Dr. Jody Levine, and the NYC Lipo staff will be happy to meet with you to discuss your liposuction needs.Please call our office at (800) 683-5476, or make an appointment online for a personal consultation in our New York City offices.