Liposuction Case #1346

22 year old female concerned with the lack of contour of her neck, underwent a scarless neck tightening procedure, Facetite combined with liposuction. She felt that her neck volume made her appear overweight. Facetite is a submental radio frequency skin tightening procedure, where a tiny 2mm submental incision is placed under her chin and radio frequency-assisted liposuction melts the fat. This was followed by the use of radio frequency technology to tighten the skin.
Procedures:Scarless Neck Lift, Liposuction
Technique:NeckTite Laser, (RFAL) Radio Frequency-Assisted Liposuction
- Patient #: 1346
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 18 - 25
- Procedure: Laser Neck Lift and Submental Liposuction