Liposuction Revision

Conveniently located to serve the areas of New York, NY

Revision liposuction at NYC Lipo can improve upon results from past liposuction procedures. Dr. Elie Levine has great expertise in corrective liposuction techniques. Some patients are not satisfied with the look of their body after undergoing liposuction treatment, while others have undergone liposuction years prior and would like to achieve youthful-looking results once again. When considering liposuction, the skill and expertise of your lipo surgeon is critical to producing an aesthetically-pleasing result. Our NYC liposuction doctors have extensive experience utilizing non-invasive, traditional, and minimally-invasive lipo techniques for patients undergoing revision liposuction. Together, these innovative techniques can achieve the natural-looking body contours or facial rejuvenation results you had in mind when opting for a previous lipo procedure. Patients can also treat scar tissue that has formed as a result of past liposuction by opting for advanced laser and ultrasonic lipo methods that may not have been available during your initial procedure. Your revision liposuction treatment will also involve natural fat transfer to enhance body contours and provide natural-looking volume, while also correcting areas that have been over-treated during past liposuction surgery.



  • Can improve upon results from previous liposuction procedures
  • Incorporates a wide variety of innovative lipo techniques for optimal results
  • Can reduce the appearance of scar tissue from past liposuction with ultrasonic & laser-based lipo
  • Can remove fat pockets to provide long-lasting definition

Target Areas

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Upper
  • Arms
  • Breasts
  • Back
  • Midsection
  • Flanks
  • Thighs
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Knees
  • Calves
  • Ankles

Procedure Details

  • Performed in our AAAASF-accredited NYC surgical suite
  • Procedure time ranges from 30 minutes to 4 hours, depending on the lipo techniques used
  • Local, twilight, or general anesthesia can be utilized, depending on your procedure
  • Patients can return home the day of their liposuction treatment


How Does Revision Liposuction Work?

Revision liposuction utilizes cutting-edge technology to produce natural-looking body sculpting results. Different minimally-invasive lipo treatments can be combined to improve the results of a past procedure, including traditional liposuction, laser lipo, and ultrasonic liposuction. When undergoing liposuction, the target area is carefully prepared for fat removal and small incisions are made around the treatment site. Micro-sized cannulas are placed underneath the skin to extract fat cells from the area. These small incisions result in less healing time, as well as less bruising after treatment.
Laser lipo and ultrasonic liposuction can yield additional benefits for patients, in addition to fat removal. These techniques encourage skin tightening around the treatment site, as laser and ultrasound energy can stimulate collagen production under the skin to provide a firming effect. These laser lipo procedures are an effective option for reducing the appearance of scar tissue, as well. Scar tissue may form if liposuction is performed aggressively or without the upmost care. Patients who have underwent an aggressive liposuction procedure in the past may begin to develop scar tissue in the years following their treatment. Our revision lipo surgeons can combine ultrasonic and laser-based liposuction techniques to achieve smooth-looking, balanced results, while improving the appearance of scar tissue.

Can Revision Lipo Be Used Alongside Other Procedures?

Yes. When undergoing revision liposuction, numerous lipo techniques can be used to provide optimal results, including VASER® LipoSelectionSmartLipo®SculpSure™power assisted liposuctiontumescent lipo, and super wet liposuction. Additionally, revision lipo can complement other facial rejuvenation and body contouring techniques, including faceliftneck lifttummy tuck, and body lift surgery. Dr. Levine will discuss with you which procedures may best enhance your revision liposuction results.

Am I An Ideal Candidate For Revision Liposuction Treatment?

Revision liposuction can selectively target areas of fat to promote youthful-looking contours. If you are not satisfied with the look of your body after undergoing a previous liposuction procedure, or you want to build on the results of a past lipo treatment, then you may be a candidate for revision liposuction. Our lipo doctors combine various methods to help achieve your desired results. Revision lipo can remove fat pockets from all areas of the body for precise facial rejuvenation or body contouring results. These lipo techniques can also encourage skin tightening for a firmer-looking physique. Patients who are struggling with scar tissue that has formed due to an aggressive liposuction procedure can undergo revision lipo to smooth such irregularities. Dr. Levine will discuss if revision liposuction is right for you during your consultation at our NYC office.

What Type Of Anesthesia Is Involved During My Revision Lipo Procedure?

Your revision liposuction procedure may require either local, twilight, or general anesthesia, depending on the specifics of your procedure, as well as the area(s) being treated. Dr. Levine will discuss which form of anesthesia is ideal for your revision lipo treatment during your consultation at our New York office.

What Can I Expect After Undergoing Revision Liposuction In NYC?

Revision liposuction recovery will vary from patient to patient, depending on the specific lipo procedures used. Mild bruising and swelling are common following liposuction and may last for a few weeks post-procedure. Patients usually return to work within a week of undergoing revision liposuction. Certain physical activities, including exercise, may require additional healing time. Patient undergoing SculpSure™ non-invasive liposuction, however, experience no downtime after their procedure.

What Kind Of Revision Liposuction Results Can I Expect?

Revision liposuction can achieve long-lasting fat reduction, while improving upon the results of a previous lipo procedure. By combining traditional liposuction, laser lipo, and ultrasonic liposuction, our lipo surgeons can produce natural-looking contours that are proportional to the rest of your body. Existing scar tissue from past liposuction can be reduced for smoother-looking results. While revision lipo can successfully reduce the appearance of fat deposits, maintaining a healthy lifestyle plays an important part in sustaining optimal results. Patients are encouraged to follow a consistent diet and exercise plan after undergoing revision liposuction.

How Can I Maximize My Revision Liposuction Results?

In order to maximize your revision liposuction results, it is important to follow all pre and post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Levine.

Certain products and supplements should be avoided in the weeks prior to your revision lipo procedure, unless medically necessary. By doing so, patients minimize their risk of bruising and swelling. Blood-thinners and medications that contain ibuprofen or aspirin should be avoided. Patients should also refrain from taking multivitamins and herbal supplements.

Patients may be recommended to wear a compression garment after undergoing revision liposuction. This garment assists your recovery in the weeks following your procedure by reducing swelling and improving circulation. Patients can wear their compression garment while going about their day-to-day routine. Additionally, lymphatic massage may be recommended to promote healing and enhance the appearance of skin around the treatment area. Lymphatic massage can improve your body’s immunity after liposuction, enhance your circulation, and result in smooth, glowing skin.

Certain medications, including Tylenol, Bromelain, and Arnica Montana, may be recommended to alleviate pain or discomfort post-procedure. For more details regarding our liposuction aftercare suggestions, click here.

Dr. Elie Levine, Dr. Jody Levine, and the NYC Lipo staff will be happy to meet with you to discuss your liposuction needs.Please call our office at (800) 683-5476, or make an appointment online for a personal consultation in our New York City offices.