Body Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of New York, NY

Body lipo in NYC, along with body lift surgery, can drastically transform the appearance of your mid and lower body through liposuction and advanced surgical techniques. A body lift procedure is often utilized after patients have achieved transformational weight loss goals. Losing a large amount of weight is an amazing accomplishment, as well as a commitment to a healthier lifestyle. After weight loss, however, excess skin and stretched muscles tend to get left behind. As a result, hanging skin and muscle laxity contributes to a loose physique. Body lift surgery tightens weakened or stretched muscles and removes drooping skin from the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. During this procedure, the lateral thighs and gluteal muscles can be elevated to a more youthful position. Body liposuction can complement body lift results by eliminating excess fat deposits and promoting skin tightening. At NYC Lipo, our body lipo and body lift surgeons can treat skin laxity and excess fat around the midsection, thighs, and buttocks, in one procedure.




  • Targets fat deposits around the mid & lower body
  • Suctions out diet & exercise-resistant fat cells
  • Provides lower body skin firming benefits in the months following body lipo in NYC
  • Can complement body lift results by eliminating fat from the midsection, thighs, & buttocks

Body Lift

  • Removes lax skin around the stomach, thighs, & buttocks
  • Tightens loose abdominal muscles that have stretched or weakened with time
  • Lifts sagging skin around the mid & lower body to a youthful position
  • Elevates lateral thighs & buttocks
  • Can provide transformational results after substantial weight loss

Procedure Details

  • Performed in a hospital setting
  • Procedure lasts 4-7 hours
  • General anesthesia is used during your procedure
  • Patients are free to return home after 1-2 day hospital stay

Body lipo targets multiple areas of the lower body to reduce the appearance of fat buildups, including the buttocks, thighs, and abdomen. Excess fat cells are suctioned from the body using tiny cannulas, which are inserted under your skin through minimally invasive incisions. Stubborn belly fat, flank bulging, thigh pockets, and buttock fat can be eliminated through body liposuction for long-lasting results. Minimally invasive lipo procedures also promote skin firming, as laser energy from these techniques heats underlying tissues. This heat results in a contraction of subsurface collagen fibers, leading to skin tightening benefits around the mid and lower body.

Body lift surgery works alongside body lipo by addressing skin and muscle laxity. A body lift consists of three separate procedures: a tummy tuck, thigh lift, and buttocks lift. These procedures are combined to achieve a tighter, younger-looking physique. A tummy tuck can remove or reposition loose abdominal skin, while reinforcing weak stomach muscles for a stronger core. Both thigh lift surgery and buttocks lift surgery can elevate lax skin to a youthful-position by re-draping excess thigh and buttocks skin. Incisions are subtly placed around the mid and lower body to ensure they are barely noticeable. Dr. Levine will discuss the specifics of your lower body lift procedure in more detail during your liposuction consultation at our NYC office.

Other Procedures

Yes. Liposuction and body lift can be used in conjunction with other body sculpting or liposuction procedures to achieve optimal results, including breast augmentation, arm liftback liftSmartLipo®, and VASER® LipoSelection. Dr. Levine will discuss which procedures may best enhance your liposuction and body lift results.

Ideal Candidate

Body lift surgery and body liposuction at NYC Lipo improves mid and lower body contours for patients who have lost a significant amount of weight. Excess skin around the buttocks, thighs, and midsection can be trimmed, re-draped, or lifted to eliminate sagging. Patients who have experienced a weakening or stretching of their abdominal wall, due to pregnancy or weight gain, can tighten stomach muscles. Body liposuction compliments these results by removing remaining fat buildups around these areas. Additionally, patients who have not undergone substantial weight loss can also benefit from combining a body lift with body lipo. Those who wish to improve the appearance of the mid and lower body simultaneously may be candidates for this procedure. Dr. Levine will discuss if liposuction and body lift surgery is right for you during your consultation at our NYC office.

Anesthesia Types

General anesthesia is required during your liposuction and body lift surgery. Dr. Levine will discuss the specifics of general anesthesia, as well as what you can expect, during your consultation at our New York City office.


Patients undergoing body lift surgery and body lipo in NYC will require a one to two night hospital stay after their procedure. After returning home, you can expect swelling and bruising for a few weeks following surgery. Most patients return to work in two to three weeks, while it usually takes up to six weeks to resume physical activities, including exercise. The specifics of your liposuction and body lift recovery time will depend on the extent of your individual procedure.


Liposuction and body lift surgery yields substantial body contouring improvements that are long-lasting. Troublesome fat pockets are removed from the mid and lower body, while sagging skin is excised and repositioned. Weakened abdominal muscles can be tightened to improve the core, as well. The result is a firmer-looking, youthful midsection, thighs, and buttocks. You can expect improved definition and enhanced contours following your body lipo and body lift surgery. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with frequent dieting and exercise after treatment is encouraged in order to sustain your results.

Maximizing Results

In order to maximize your liposuction and body lift results, it is important to follow all pre and post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Levine.

Certain products and supplements should be avoided in the weeks prior to your liposuction and body lift procedure, unless medically necessary. By doing so, patients minimize their risk of bruising and swelling. Blood-thinners and medications that contain ibuprofen or aspirin should be avoided. Patients should also refrain from taking multivitamins and herbal supplements.

Certain medications, including Tylenol, Bromelain, and Arnica Montana, may be recommended to alleviate pain or discomfort post-procedure. For more details regarding our liposuction and body lift aftercare suggestions, click here.

Dr. Elie Levine, Dr. Jody Levine, and the NYC Lipo staff will be happy to meet with you to discuss your liposuction needs.Please call our office at (800) 683-5476, or make an appointment online for a personal consultation in our New York City offices.